Offers for Horse Owners |
You own a horse and you wish to:
Board your equid at the horse riding club of Nice.
Take lessons or courses with it at the horse riding club of Nice.
Have the horse riding club of Nice take care of your equid's work.
RATES FOR THE 2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR | applicable from September the 1st, 2024 |
(Arrêté du Maire du 25/09/2023) |
→ Other rates are visible ( version) on this website at the "CLUB" section under "Tarifs": click here |
→ The "Horse Owners Rates - 2024-2025 School Year" are also downloadable ( version) in PDF format: click here |
→ The "General Rates - 2024-2025 School Year" are downloadable ( version) in PDF format: click here |
Horse boarding per month in the new facilities |
854,00 €/month |
993,00 €/month |
Pony boarding per month in the new facilities |
608,00 €/month |
709,00 €/month |
- The pension is prorated only for stays longer than one week.
For a shorter duration, the "Passage stay" rate applies.
Release (Walk-Free) |
25,70 € |
44,00 € |
Release (paddock) - Monthly package |
155,00 €/month |
- |
Paddock access fee / monthly |
55,40 € |
- |
Long-lining |
30,70 € |
53,00 € |
Work rides or Equifeel Session |
39,00 € |
65,50 € |
Long-Term Horse Work |
Price quote |
Price quote |
With Jean-Christophe COMET |
46 FERS |
118,00 € |
With an instructor or authorized contractor |
36 FERS |
101,00 € |
With a monitor |
20 FERS |
62,00 € |
- 5% discount for the 2nd horse, 10% discount for the 3rd horse and subsequent horses on the boarding price
- Group lessons followed with an equine in boarding: 1/2 price of horseshoes provided (see tables)
- Courses followed with an equine in boarding: 1/2 price of rates provided (excluding meals).
- Fees to keep boxing in case of temporary departure for more than 15 days: 30% of the amount of the pension.
Information request |
If you would like more information regarding our Horse Boarding offers and rates, please email us at:
with the subject line "BOARDING OFFERS", and we will get back to you. |
Alternatively, you can use our online form: OPEN THE "HORSE BOARDING REQUEST" FORM
Article I – Boarding Request |
Anyone wishing to put their horse in pension at the Horse Riding Club of Nice must request it from the management through the online form on the website www.nicecheval.com. It will be favorably answered subject to the reception capacity at the time of the request.
By default, the request will be recorded on the waiting list. |
Article II – Internal Regulations |
The general internal regulations of the Horse Riding Club of Nice applies to any owner of an equid in pension.
(see the general internal regulations of the club)
Any owner accepts, by putting in pension, the clauses of this regulation.
In case of breach by the owner of his obligations arising from the provisions of this internal regulation, the Horse Riding Club of Nice may require the departure of the horse, 15 days after a notice by registered letter remained without effect. In the event that the Horse Riding Club of Nice suffered a prejudice from these facts, the deposit of guarantee may be retained as provisional damages and interest. |
Article III – Basic Service Definition |
The Horse Riding Club of Nice commits to caring for, housing, and feeding the equine boarder in a "good fatherly" manner and to proceeding with shoeing upon the request of the owner, it being agreed that all veterinary, pharmacy, and farrier costs arising from this commitment are disbursements which remain the responsibility of the owner and added to the board price.
The equine is housed in a box with bedding maintenance (possibly some paddock board may be possible until the beginning of the restructuring of the riding center). It will receive three daily meals (agreed upon in consultation with the owner) and four to five kilograms of hay.
Any feed other than that used by the Horse Riding Club of Nice must be provided by the owner without the owner being able to demand any deduction from the board price in exchange. |
Article IV : Behavior |
All horse owners in boarding are required to show courtesy conducive to the serenity of the establishment.
Every owner, in their capacity as a user of the Horse Riding Club of Nice, is required to adopt a "horseman" behavior at all times, including with their own horse. Any mistreatment or brutality observed on a horse will result in immediate exclusion.
The responsibility of the Horse Riding Club of Nice cannot be held liable in the event of an accident caused by non-compliance with the internal regulations. |
Article V : Boarding Fee |
The basic boarding fee depends on:
- The type of accommodation (box, paddock)
- The status of the owner (member or visitor)
- The number of horses boarded per owner (a 5% discount is granted for the second horse, a 10% discount for the third and subsequent horses).
The rates are reviewed annually on September 1st according to the "Ipampa" index. In the event that the owner intends to share the boarding fees with one or more authorized riders, the owner remains solely liable and responsible for the amounts due to the Horse Riding Club of Nice under this rule.
The amount of the basic pension must be paid by bank transfer to the Horse Riding Club of Nice account no later than the 5th of the current month. Beyond that, a surcharge of 1% per day of delay will be applied. Access to work sessions and classes is only possible after payment. |
Article VI – Authorized Riders |
Authorized riders are members, licensed, of the Horse Riding Club of Nice who are designated, in writing, by the owner and integrated into the club's database. They benefit from the same advantages as the owner. Their knowledge is essential to the Horse Riding Club of Nice to fulfill its duty of guardianship. The owner guarantees the good respect of the regulations by the riders that he has authorized. |
Article VII – Additional Services |
Owners of horses on pension have access to the following services:
Access to these services requires having a "FERS" credit.
Access to workshops is possible with a pensioner horse subject to availability. The cost of the workshop, excluding meals, is divided by two
The saddleries are equipped with lockers, which can be rented annually. These lockers are delivered new and must be returned in good condition, maintenance and repairs of these lockers are the responsibility of the tenant. |
Article VIII – Prophylaxis |
Given the large number of horses hosted at the Horse Riding Club of Nice, strict prophylaxis rules apply. Owners of horses in pension are required to comply.
The mandatory vaccinations, to be done according to the veterinary regulations in force, are:
- Equine flu
- Equine rhino-pneumonia
- Tetanus
The worming will be done according to the program established by the Horse Riding Club of Nice (3 to 4 times a year).
To facilitate these measures, the club negotiates discounted rates with its veterinarians and organizes the aforementioned operations.
In accordance with the current health regulations, the owner must provide the studbook of their equine/s to the Riding Club. |
Article IX – External Service Providers |
The Horse Riding Club of Nice has entered into agreements with the following external service providers:
- Veterinarians
- Equine Dentist
- Farrier
Under the terms of these agreements, owners benefit from the same rates negotiated for instruction horses, provided that the visits are requested and scheduled by the Club.
Therefore, owners, except in case of emergency, wishing to call upon these providers must contact the stable manager.
Monthly bills from these providers are paid directly by the club and are subject to a monthly reimbursement note, which must be paid upon receipt.
Owners not wishing to use the providers chosen by the Club must expressly indicate this. This choice must be included in the horse's file in the riding club software. |
Article X – Deposit |
The owner of any horse entering into board must pay a deposit corresponding to two months of board. This sum, which does not bear interest, will be reimbursed upon departure, after settling of accounts, and within 30 days. |
Article XI – Absences |
In case of absence of the horse for less than 15 days, no deduction will occur but the corresponding ration will remain at the disposal of the owner.
In case of absence exceeding 15 days, the owner must pay an amount corresponding to 30% of the pension amount, as a right to keep the box.
The amounts stipulated above must be paid in advance. In case of non-payment, the Club cannot commit to take back the equid.
Article XII – Insurance |
The Horse Riding Club of Nice takes charge of the insurance of the liability risks resulting from the keeping and use of the horse in the absence of the owner and the authorized riders, in the event that a fault of its part is retained. For this purpose, the owner guarantees that the value of the equine does not exceed 20,000 euros, which is the limit of compensation fixed per horse by the establishment's insurer. Otherwise, it is up to the owner to insure for the excess value.
The owner takes charge of the risk of "mortality" of his horse. He can remain his own insurer for this risk.
Compulsory Liability Insurance “owner” (RCPE) linked to the federal practitioner licence at the Horse Riding Club of Nice. Its renewal is done at the same time as that of the practitioner licence.
It is understood that the owner waives any recourse against the Horse Riding Club of Nice, in the case of an accident occurring to the horse and not expressly engaging the professional liability of the establishment.
The owners' saddlery equipment is stored in lockers rented for this purpose and locked under the responsibility of the owner, who waives any recourse against the Horse Riding Club of Nice in case of theft or damage to his saddlery equipment. |
Article XIII – Dress and Equipment |
Proper, clean and fitted attire, without being special, is mandatory.
The wearing of a helmet or any other head protection compliant with the European standard EN 1384 is mandatory for:
- all riders taking part in group or individual lessons, including owner-riders,
- riders individually riding ponies or school horses, including owner-riders of a horse in board,
- sports instructors in training and pre-formation trainees,
- all minor riders regardless of their status, including for private use of their own horse.
Major owner-riders who, as part of the private use (outside teaching) of their own horse, do not wish to wear a certified EN1384 head protection must provide a handwritten statement exonerating the Horse Riding Club of Nice from responsibility in case of an accident. Without a statement, it will not be possible for them to ride without protection on the premises of the Riding Center.
The wearing of a certified helmet and back protection is mandatory for all riders regardless of their status and without any exception during training sessions on fixed cross obstacles.
The saddlery material must be stored in the saddleries (cabinets) or removed after each session. It is strictly forbidden to store material in front of the boxes, under the awnings.
Only stable nameplates supplied by the Horse Riding Club of Nice are allowed on stable doors. The use of competition plates is prohibited.
The EN-1384 standard requires the helmet to have 3 attachment points, that is to say the helmet must be attached to the head by straps on both sides approximately at the level of the ears and a third attachment point on the neck connected to the chin guard. The inside must be composed of a thick shell that absorbs shock waves, generally made of polystyrene. For this standard to be effective, the straps must be properly adjusted so that the helmet remains in place in case of a shock. The helmet must obviously be the right size: it must fit tightly on the head without coming down on the eyes when pushed down. If it is too small, it quickly becomes painful for the rider. If it is too big or poorly adjusted, it falls on the eyes and/or can come off by itself. After a strong shock, the inner shell may have been damaged while the helmet appears to be in good condition externally. If this is the case, its protective role will not be as effective in case of a new shock: it is then recommended to buy a new helmet. |
Article XIV– Use of training areas |
Training areas must be used according to their destination:
- longeing is only allowed in the longeing ring,
- the dressage arena is exclusively reserved for flat work,
- free work is prohibited in all of the new installation's training areas until the round-pen reserved for this purpose is completed. It remains allowed in the old installations.
Before entering the training areas, if they are occupied, permission must be asked from the present teacher or, failing that, from the people already present.
For obvious safety reasons, it is forbidden, within the same training area, without the teacher’s agreement, to work a horse/pony either on the longe or mounted during a lesson.
Courses given by the centre’s staff have priority in the use of the centre’s facilities.
When the training areas are used in sections, separations must be put in place.
The lighting of the training areas must be turned off at the end of their occupancy. |
Article XV– Permanent Departure |
In order to alert the waiting list owners to the release of a box, owners wishing to withdraw their equid from the Horse Riding Club of Nice must respect a one-month notice.
In default, one month of pension will be deducted from the refund of the security deposit. |
This regulation comes into effect on Saturday, September 1, 2007, and was modified and amended on September 1, 2008, September 1, 2009, August 16, 2012 and August 24, 2015 |
→ This "Horse Owners in Boarding" Regulation" is also downloadable ( version) in PDF format: click here |
→ The "General Internal Regulation" is downloadable ( version) in PDF format: click here |